Selasa, 31 Mei 2016


World Tribe  ~  One Marind Anim  inhabiting vast plains in the southern part of West Papua, ranging from Muli strait (Selat Marianne) to the border areas of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Most of them are also scattered around watersheds Buraka, Bian, Eli, Kumbe and Maro. The area is located in the District of Okaba, Merauke, partly Kimam and Muting the District of Merauke, West Papua Province. This area is lowland flora bersavana with similar flora Australian continent and swampy plains are covered with sago palms in rivers. Its population is approximately 5,000-7,000 people.

Anim said means male (anem for men, for women anum). This ethnic group has a number of sub-tribes, such as the Kanum-Anim, or Yei Yei-Anim-Nan, Yab-Anim, Maklew-Anim and Kurkari-Anim (In Papua New Guinea). While tribes neighbors include the Yelmek in the northwest, the Manikor (Mani) and Kurhari in the east, the Manggrat-Rik in the lower reaches of the river Maro, People Boazi near Lake Fly and Murray whose waters flow into the territory of Papua New Guinea ,

Livelihood The Marind Anim

The main livelihood of  the Marind-Anim  is farming with crops such as yams, manioc (cassava) and kava (a type of plant for liquor). Sago including their staples are important, in addition to trying to catch fish and other aquatic animals in the river and seafront. Like his men, hunt wild animals such as wild boar, possum, wallabies (small kangaroos), cassowary, mice, lizards and various species of birds. To meet will kebuhutuhan tobacco, planting a plant called tumuku rhythms.

The Marind society Anim

People Marind-Anim  until now still known as the tribes of hunters. His tribe has a very high role in their daily lives, can be compared with the Asmat tribe that dwells deep in the northwest region of them. In the old civilization that they develop the equipment of weapons for war and hunting, like the bow of bamboo, arrows from reeds, spear and mace from wood, stone axes and longboats (approximately 15 meters) who rowed standing, tools thruster and cutting of bone or shells. They cook using bamboo tubes or by using hot stones.

The house architecture and sculpture they are very simple. The houses are set up with a dirt-floored, walled beams solid wood, leaf roofed with grass or palm leaves. Engraving is only made ​​to adorn the pillars of their sacred buildings. But the art of dress  Marind Anim  famous most exciting and vibrant, especially clothes soldiers and dancers. Art  People Marind Anim  similar to the Asmat art.

Community  Marind Anim  live in villages usually have at least a bachelors house they call gotad. Men as a teenager living in this house. Meanwhile around gotad standing family houses (Oram aha) or home women are smaller in size. A village, usually made ​​up of bonds relative (patrilineal clan) or in the form of bonds that eksogamik totemism territorial nature, as people  Marind Anim  more concerned with the extent of its role in the family environment. The formation of a federation of village by village or clan totemism system that led to the group moiety totem in a kampong. Marriage is exogamy and they embraced patrilineal kinship system, in which a wife must sign in and join the group of female relatives of her husband. A wife initially come stay at home parents her husband's extended family. If the house is too dense it can be asked for an aha Oram to her husband and male relatives of her husband. He moved to his new home and ready also to accept the daughter-in- law.

Religion and Belief The Marind Anim

Mission Christianity came first to this region in 1910, namely in Okaba. The original religion of the Marind Anim  itself is more oriented toward the existence of spirits they call the special concept dema. Dema this form of supernatural forces in nature, or as the spirits of the dead. All of it is also related to their concept of totemism. Therefore no-dema dema worshiped besides natural-dema dema totemnya own. There dema who appears in human form well before man or an animal. No one called Yorma (dema sea), wonatai (totem crocodiles), Yawi (dema coconut) and others.

Reference: Baal, 1966, 1985 Boelaars

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World Tribe  ~ Tribe Auyu or Auyu dwell among Digul river, including Kabupatan Merauke, West Papua province. They are scattered in the District of Cassowary Coast, Kuoh, Mandobo. This area is full of forests and wetlands, as well as here and there are meadows. 


The group has its own language which is the language by number of speakers Auyu approximately 18,000 people. Included in the group's language is the language Oser, Jenimu, Pisa, Wefu, and Iwkero. People Auyu neighboring  Asmat people  in the north, the Citak in the east, and the Yaqai south.

Formerly known Auyu nomadic people, but after being embraced by Catholic missionaries. Habits are changing and they live in the settlements remain.

Auyu livelihood of people are hunting and tap sago. Their staple food is sago and supported with fish and meat. Sago and fish sought after by women, while the meat is the hunting of men. Related to hunting there is a game among boys called amiogo. This game serves to train children in the use of bows and arrows, which later would be used in adults after the hunt to sustain life.

Auyu person familiar with the clan system, called kernels. The existence of clan iti guarded and maintained by men. A clan can be maintained through marriage or war. Through marriage, the clan can be enlarged, while the clan war was maintained from extinction or to be enslaved by another clan or ethnic group. That is why the culture they know bukhose khave game, a game that is usually done by boys. Name of the game it can literally be translated as "game galangal", where a toy is made from the stem ginger forests by menombakkannya to the counterparty.

In this game the children identify themselves as a clan war chief called poghoi, as poghoi in the days of their ancestors who made heroic events in the history of the group or clan. They want the same as the head of the war generation ancestor is viewed very knight.

In the art field they know the sort of histrionics as part of the ceremonies. Expression of beauty set forth in art where they are adept at making shields to dance. Decorative motifs on the shield it looked eye motif elements, the letter V, curly and double volute or meanders. Shield was given to white as the base color, frame decoration was black, and red channel outages.

Source: Encyclopedia of Ethnic Groups in Indonesia by Jonah M. Melalatoa
You're reading an article about the  history of Tribe Auyu  Please read the article  Parts World  About   Others. You may spread Expand or copy-paste this article, but do not forget to put the Link  History Tribe Auyu As the source

Posted By Namek Bian

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